The Story
In November 2006, the Partners came together to discuss the gap that currently exists in the low-risk/low-budget commercial movie and DVD market. We felt that teen thrillers, perfect for couples watching at home on dates, had been replaced by a flood of shocking, gross-out horror movies. We also felt that it had been a long time since a uniquely New York horror movie had been created, one that seemed individual to the city as it exists in 2007.

We realized as we talked that the group of us had tremendous assets to apply to exactly the sort of project we were talking about: We had a founder of the NYC horror film festival, the founder of the New York Musical Theatre Festival, and the chairman of the New York Festival of Song, all wanting to take an active role.. We began to design a project that would leverage our broad range of skills and our contacts in the NYC entertainment industry to create something deliberately new, targeting a wide consumer base and connecting to the teen audience with the type of thriller that we feel is not being currently created.